Boxing Timer (Training Timer) apk Latest Version

Boxing Timer (Training Timer) apk
Boxing Timer (Training Timer) apk

Current Version : 4.0
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Category : Health And Fitness
Size : 1.4M

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Boxing Timer (Training Timer) apk Description

For this application, as well as home training and wide range of activities that require the timer can be applied. (Google Android 2.1 or later)

# Through continuous updating, the user's needs were reflected.(such as tablet support, background operation, adding preliminary sound)

# Recent Changes
1. Add French. (Ajouter française)
2. Modified to be installed on a tablet.
3. Start/Stop Button at the bottom is fixed.
4. Modify the default language to English.
5. Delete other unnecessary privileges.

# Usage
1. The first set : 12 rounds, Exercise 3 minutes, rest 30 seconds.
2. Reset the upper left corner to return to the initial setting.
3. Settings by pressing the upper right round / time / sound / vibration can be changed to use.
4. Exercise time, red, relaxation time is shown in green.
5. Start / Stop the touch of a button you can use the timer.

# Keywords
timer, boxing timer, boxing, training, fitness, google, Android, Health, Home Training, Jogging, interval, counter

# Changes History
# 2012-02-28
1. modified preliminary tone -> double beep
# 2012-02-18
1. Bug Fixes
# 2012-02-04
1. Modified to raise the bell at the start of the first round
2. Modified from the first round to be started
3. Modified to fit the screen

Boxing Timer (Training Timer) apk Videos and Images


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